MusikGarten Sun Catchers
New session starting January 8 on Wednesdays @ 4:15
ages 3-5, 45 minute sessions -12 weeks
Classes for children age 3-5 with an adult. Exploring the
joy of making music together through movement,
chants, stories, singing and instrument playing.
Class size will be limited to 6 students
Drumming Up the Fun
New session starting on Jan 14 on Tuesdays @4:45
K- gr. 5, 45 minute classes- 10 weeks
Songs, games, stories, movement, and lots of drumming!
Class size will be limited to 12 students.
All instruments will be sanitized before class each day.
Pop Up Drum Circles
60 minute sessions
Build community, release stress, family friendly, no prior
drumming experience required. Or schedule your own
with a group of friends.

Private Lessons
30, 45, or 60 minute lessons
For beginners-adult. Site depends on instructor
availability. Either at HPC or at Lois' home in
Carrollton, just a mile over the James River
World Percussion Workshops & Drum Circles
60 - 90 minute session
Explore the rhythms of the world. Select from West Africa, Middle and
Far East, or Latin Rhythms. Discover working together in community,
increase your focus, and have fun!
Birthday Parties
30 minute session
Add some music fun to your child's
party! Session includes singing,
movement, making an instrument,
and story time.